Harvard Project Conducts Research Workshop on ETS

Author: Release date:2022-01-08 14:32:34Source: Official Website of Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs

近日,哈佛气候协议项目研讨会“碳排放权交易系统与中国及其他亚洲国家的电力部门:互动、设计和运营( ETS and the power sector in China and other Asian countries: interactions, design, and operation.通过网络会议形式举行。此次会议由复旦大学能源经济与战略研究中心与美国亚洲协会政策研究所联合主办,哈佛全球研究所协办。以下为哈佛肯尼迪学院贝尔弗科学与国际事务中心官网上发布的相关会议资讯。

The Harvard Project on Climate Agreements conducted a joint research workshop recently titled “ETS and the power sector in China and other Asian countries: interactions, design, and operation.” The Center for Energy Economics and Strategy Studies at Fudan University, directed by Professor Wu Libo, and the Asia Society Policy Institute (ASPI), whose Asia-Pacific Sustainability Program is directed by Alistair Ritchie, co-organized the workshop, which was conducted virtually over Zoom. The Harvard Global Institute provided partial support for the project.

Links to the agenda and list of participants — as well as most workshop presentations — are at the bottom of this page.

China’s national emissions trading system (ETS) started operation this year, covering over 2,200 entities in the power sector and immediately becoming the world’s largest ETS. The power sector is one of the most important to cover in any ETS, due to the scale and abatement potential of GHG emissions in that sector. However, there are some critical challenges to overcome before an ETS can fulfil its emission-reduction potential by driving fuel switching away from coal and towards renewables and low-carbon fuels. This meeting addressed some of these challenges and provided comparisons with other Asian countries. For further details, see the agenda, linked below.

Approximately fifty experts participated, based in China, Germany, Indonesia, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand, the Philippines, the United States, and Vietnam. Chinese participants included researchers and analysts from Fudan University in Shanghai, Tsinghua University in Beijing, the China Electricity Council, and the Development Research Center of the State Council.

On the first day of the workshop, Professor Wu Libo made a presentation on how China’s national ETS might more effectively support fuel switching in the power sector, from coal to low-carbon fuels. Her presentation is linked below. Professor Valerie Karplus, of Carnegie Mellon University, later moderated a discussion of related topics, including how carbon costs can be passed through to electricity prices and be reflected in power station dispatch. Several speakers then provided comparative context from Korea, Indonesia, Japan, and Thailand. Finally, Ms. Zhang Jingjie, of the China Electricity Council, examined how an ETS can work effectively with other policies targeting power-sector GHG reductions.


On the second day of the workshop, Professor Stavins interviewed Professor Zhang Xiliang of Tsinghua University, focusing on the motivations for design choices for China’s ETS — and how the design may evolve over time. Daniel Ziegler of Uniper provided comparative context, with a private sector perspective, from Germany and the European Union. Alistair Ritchie, of ASPI, moderated the session, including a closing discussion on next steps.

The organizers are grateful to the Harvard Global Institute for support of the initiative of which this workshop is a part.


The workshop on China’s national ETS, in comparative context, is the seventh in a series conducted by the Harvard Project on Climate Agreements, addressing market mechanisms and other aspects of climate-change policy in China:

Following are links to materials from the Harvard Project’s Workshop, “ETS and the power sector in China and other Asian countries: interactions, design, and operation”:


· Agenda and Participant List

· WU Libo: Interactive Policy Scheme of Power Sector Reform and ETS In China

· LI Jifeng: Response on How an ETS can Interact with the Electricity Market

· Seung Jick YOO: Carbon Cost Pass-throughs in the Regulated Electricity Market in Korea

· Toshi ARIMURA: Electric Power Sector in Japan: Toward Carbon Neutrality and Carbon Pricing

· Nopparat PHROMIN: How an ETS can Interact with the Electricity Market to Support Power-sector Decarbonization: Thailand