
作者:王帆 张艺闻 陈雨航等 发布时间:2025-03-26 15:21:08 来源:BMJ Global Health+收藏本文


由复旦大学发展研究院王帆研究员(通讯作者),华东师范大学政治与国际关系学院博士生张艺闻(共同第一作者)、复旦大学新闻学院硕士生陈雨航(共同第一作者),以及复旦大学外国语言文学学院本科生吴逸萌合作完成的论文“全球卫生治理中的规范扩散:智库的角色”(Norm Diffusion in Global Health Governance: The Role of Think Tanks)发表于《BMJ Global Health》,该论文也是王帆研究员领衔的“全球知名智库数据库”项目的最新学术成果。《BMJ Global Health》 是全球领先的公共卫生领域学术期刊之一,由英国医学会(BMJ)出版,关注全球卫生政策、卫生体系改革等议题,强调循证政策制定与国际合作,是中科院一区Top期刊、JCR Q1 期刊(Impact Factor: 7.1)。


在全球卫生治理体系中,智库发挥着关键作用。它们不仅推动政策讨论,还积极塑造全球卫生治理规范。研究基于规范扩散(Norm Diffusion)理论,探讨智库如何在全球卫生治理体系中引入、推广并巩固卫生治理规范。通过分析 2007 年至 2022 年间 12 家全球代表性智库的政策报告,本研究发现,智库的活动不仅限于讨论卫生治理议题,还通过规范制定和传播,影响政府决策及国际组织的议程设定。




The theory of norm diffusion provides a fundamental framework for analyzing the emergence, cascade, and internalization of norms in global health governance. As think tanks combine policy expertise with sharp responsiveness to emerging crises, this study investigates their specific role in global health governance, thereby providing a comprehensive understanding of their contribution to the norm diffusion mechanism.


We collected reports from 12 globally representative think tanks, covering the period from June 15, 2007, to December 31, 2022. Using the R programming language, we employed both quantitative and qualitative methods, including Structural Topic Modeling (STM) and co-occurrence analysis, to identify topic priorities and correlations between key terms.


Globally, think tank discussions on health governance norms center on four primary areas: the global economy and trade, responses to infectious diseases and public health crises, cooperation and aid in global health governance, and the social impacts of health norms. Regionally and temporally, think tanks in the United States, East Asia, Europe, and parts of the Global South prioritize health governance norms differently, with these priorities evolving over time in response to varying levels of development and the specific Public Health Emergencies of International Concern (PHEIC) encountered. Moreover, think tanks underscore the pivotal role of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations (UN) in shaping global health governance that these international organizations are central to managing health emergencies, setting global standards, and coordinating international cooperation.


This study found that think tanks serve as norm entrepreneurs, promoters, and internalizers at different stages, supporting norm introduction, adoption, and integration of global governance health norms. Our findings underscore the potential for policymakers to harness the expertise and policy recommendations of think tanks to address future health challenges, thereby enhancing the resilience and sustainability of global health systems.


Global Health Governance, Norm Diffusion, Think Tanks, Policy Influence, International Cooperation




Yiwen Zhang*

School of Politics and International Relations, East China Normal University

Yuhang Chen*

School of Journalism, Fudan University, Shanghai

Yimeng Wu

College of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Fudan University

Fan Wang (Corresponding author)

Fudan Development Institute, Fudan University

* These authors contributed equally.