作者:Yiwen Zhang,Fan Wang
摘要:How the United States pursues its decoupling policies towards China is an essential topic in studying U.S.‒China relations. Although the U.S. policy orientation towards China can be examined from seve...
摘要:近年来,在我国主流媒体的广告收入中,以政务广告为代表的非商业广告 地位逐渐凸显。如何理解主流媒体与行政系统问日益紧密的经济关系,以地方政府运作机制为关键变量能够提供一个不同的视角。基于此,论文尝试以压...
作者:Li Liu, Helen Ross, Anoma Ariyawardana
摘要:The development of consumer-driven, agri-food value chains is considered one of the best strategies to meet the livelihood and food security needs of rural households and communities in developing cou...