摘要:In the last few years, the view of China as a strategic rival has taken over the American political mainstream, with leaders largely choosing confrontation over cooperation. Two features of this shift...
作者:徐炜、Finbarr Murphy、许闲、邢文鹏
摘要:网络风险一直被视为对正常商业和社会活动的威胁。无论这种风险是真实的还是被感知的,了解社会对它的风险沟通和认知如何随着时间的推移而变化,对监管当局和保险公司都具有重要意义。 本文分析了2009-2018年...
作者:Wei Xu, Finbarr Murphy, Xian Xu, Wenpeng Xing
摘要:Cyber risk is consistently viewed as a threat to the proper function of commercial and societal activity. Regardless of whether this risk is real or perceived, understanding how societal commu...
作者:Hans K. Hvide, Yanren Zhang
摘要:Overstaffing appears to be a source of significant inefficiencies in organizations, but there is little economic theory that informs us why. We extend the canonical Lazear-Rosen tournament model to ...