What Explains America’s Antagonism Toward China?


摘要:In the last few years, the view of China as a strategic rival has taken over the American political mainstream, with leaders largely choosing confrontation over cooperation. Two features of this shift...


作者:徐炜、Finbarr Murphy、许闲、邢文鹏

摘要:网络风险一直被视为对正常商业和社会活动的威胁。无论这种风险是真实的还是被感知的,了解社会对它的风险沟通和认知如何随着时间的推移而变化,对监管当局和保险公司都具有重要意义。 本文分析了2009-2018年...

Dynamic Communication and Perception of Cyber Risk

作者:Wei Xu, Finbarr Murphy, Xian Xu, Wenpeng Xing

摘要:Cyber risk is consistently viewed as a threat to the proper function of commercial and societal activity. Regardless of whether this risk is real or perceived, understanding how societal commu...

Too Big to Succeed? Overstaffing in Firms

作者:Hans K. Hvide, Yanren Zhang

摘要:Overstaffing appears to be a source of significant inefficiencies in organizations, but there is little economic theory that informs us why. We extend the canonical Lazear-Rosen tournament model to ...



摘要:上合组织建设和发展具有明显的地区主义属性,各方具有地 区主义共识。20 年来,上合组织不断凝聚和逐步丰富的地区共识、特殊权力结 构中引导者与参与者的正向互动,以及多元利益博弈中反复磨合和不断累积成果 的建设...