Lucas Jose Dib


Lucas Jose Dib


Education background

Ph.D, Public Administration and Government, School of Business Administration of São Paulo of Getulio Vargas Foundation, 2016-

M.Sc, Development and International Relations (Distinction), SãoPaulo State University, (with sandwich period in Buenos Aires University), 2012 – 2015

B.Sc, in Political Science (Distinction), São Paulo State University, 2008 – 2011

Work experience

Professional experience

Technical Coordinator, Brazil Infrastructure 2038, 2017-

Founder Member and Member, the statutory committee, Brazilian Association for Chinese Studies,2 017-

Researcher and member, Young Scholar Initiative – Institute for New Economic Thinking, 2017-

Board member, the National Institute of Science and Technology for Studies on New Developmentalism, 2017-

Visiting Lecturer, National School for Insurance, 2017

Research Associate and Executive Manager, the Center for Studies on New Developmentalism of Sao Paulo School of Economics of FGV, 2015-

Executive Organizer of the Latin American Advanced Program on Rethinking Macro and Development Economics (LAPORDE), 2015-

Executive Organizer of the Annual New Developmentalism’s Workshop: theory and policies for developing countries, 2015-

Partner, Publicus - Consulting and Advisory in Public Policies and Economics, 2015-

Member, Young Entrepreneur and Young Economics Committee, Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo, 2015-

Editor, Social Science Graduate Journal of São Paulo State University, 2012-2015

Head Analyst and board member, Marília Transparente –MATRA, 2009-2011

Political Regional Coordinator, Federal Senate of Brazil, 03.2010-12.2010

Local leader, Avina Foundation, 2009-2010

Advisor, the Center of Industries of the State of São Paulo (CIESP), Municipal Council of Health, 2009-2010

Founder and President, Rotaract (Rotary International), 2008-2010

President, Central Academic Directory of the Sao Paulo State University, 2008-2009

Research Groups

Researcher, Structuralist Macroeconomics of Development, Federal University of Brasilia – UNB, 2017-

Researcher, New Developmentalism and Social Democracy, Getulio Vargas Foundation – FGV, 2015-

Researcher, BRICS Research Group, São Paulo State University, 2009-

Researcher, Brazil Foreign Policy Research Group, São Paulo State University, 2009-

Research project at FDDI

A New Consensus for Financial Stability: a Combination amongst West and China Successful
