Geoffrey Harris


Geoffrey Harris

Education background European Studies, College of Europe,1972-1973

B.A. in Politics & Modern History, University of Manchester, 1968-1972

Work experience

Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Civil Society Department, 2007-2016,

Director of the Michael Boym’s Laboratory for Asia-Poland Dialogue, 2012-2016

Lecturer at Collegium Civitas, Warsaw.

The Introduction to the Life Style Studies,2006 - 2008

Sociology of Everyday Life, 2011

MA. Seminar, 2008-2013

Lecturer at Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan.

Civil Society in Poland, September-November 2011

Seminar on Civil Society, September-November 2011

Lecturer at Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw.

Graduate School for Foreign Cultures, Social and Political Life in South-East Asia, 2014-2016

Research project at FDDI

Europe and China- partners in the search for stability.