
Gabriel Merino

Ph.D. in Social Sciences and BA in Sociology, Specialist in political and economic sociology, and in geopolitics. Associate Researcher in the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET-Argentina), with work place Institute of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences (IdIHCS), in Center for Socio-Historical Research and Center for Geographic Research. Associate Professor at the National University of La Plata (UNLP) in the chairs of Identity, State and Society in Argentina and Latin America and Geography of Europe and Russia. Postgraduate professor in Geopolitics and Development, Analysis of World and Latin American Geopolitics in the 21st Century and Eurasia and the contemporary historical-spatial transition, among others. Invited Associate Professor at the National University of Mar del Plata. 

In addition, Gabriel Merino is Coordinator of the Eurasia Departmentof the Institute of International Relations (IRI-UNLP); Co-coordinator of the CLACSO working group China and the map of world power”; Director of the Research and Development project: Historical-spatial transition of the world system and Latin America. Crisis of hegemony, multipolar dynamics and competing strategic projects from a multiscale perspective CIG-IdIHCS-UNLP; and Coordinator of the research line on “China in the world (dis)order” at the Tricontinental Institute (Argentina). 

Gabriel Merino has carried out the following stays abroad: 

- visiting professor and researcher at Pontifica Universidad Católica de Minas Gerais, Brasil, in September 2023.  

- visiting associate professor and researcher at the Arrighi Center for Global Studies of the Johns Hopkins University,  Baltimore, United States. October 2021 to December 2021.

- Postdoctoral research stay at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Duration: three months, from August to November 2017.

- Visiting Professor at the Center for International Policy Research (CIPI), Cuba, in October and November 2013.