
阿尔卡贝·奥克贝·梅蒂库(Arkebe Oqubay Metiku)



Arkebe Oqubay, PhD, is a Senior Minister and Special Adviser to the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, has been at the centre of policy-making for over twenty-five years. He currently serves as Chair of several leading public organizations and international advisory boards, and he is a recipient of the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star, presented by the Emperor of Japan. He is the former Mayor of Addis Ababa and winner of the Best African Mayor of 2006 award presented by ABN, and was a finalist World Mayor Award 2006 for transforming the city.

Dr Arkebe is a research associate at the Centre of African Studies, University of London, and holds a PhD in development studies from SOAS, University of London. His recent published works include: Made in Africa (Oxford University Press 2015); The Oxford Handbook of the Ethiopian Economy(Oxford University Press 2019); How Nations Learn: Technological Learning, Industrial Policy, and Catch Up (Oxford University Press 2019); China-Africa and an Economic Transformation (Oxford University Press 2019); African Economic Development: Evidence, Theory, and Policy (Oxford University Press 2020); The Oxford Handbook of Industrial Hubs and Economic Development(Oxford University 2020); and The Oxford Handbook of Industrial Policy (Oxford University Press 2020).

Dr Arkebe was recognized by the New African as one of the 100 Most Influential Africans of 2016 and a ‘leading thinker on Africa’s strategic development’ for his work on industrialization and industrial policies, both theoretical and practical. His research focus includes structural transformation, technological learning and catch-up, industrial policy, sustainability and urban transformation, China–Africa ties, and public policy and leadership with an emphasis on emerging and developing economies and special interest on Africa.