张军教授主持的985三期项目的最终成果之一即将由World Scientific出版

作者: 发布时间:2012-11-21 00:00:00 来源:复旦发展研究院+收藏本文

    由经济学院张军教授主持的“985工程三期整体推进社会科学研究项目《经济转型中的政府与市场:自发秩序与国家治理》近日完成了项目的最终成果之一《Unfinished Reform in the Chinese Economy》即将由World Scientific出版社出版。以下是该书的序言:<?xml:namespace prefix="o"> ...

This volume is the final product of ‘the 985 project grant’ for conducting the research of “Government and Market in <?xml:namespace prefix="st1">China’s Economic Transformation”, which was sponsored byFudanUniversityin June of 2011. The aim of this research grant is to upgrade the level of social sciences research ofFudanUniversity. 

Contributors of this volume are mainly the faculty members ofChinaCenterfor Economic Studies, andSchoolofEconomics, atFudanUniversity. Some co-authors are from theUS,Japan, and other universities inChina.

Fudan University who sponsored the research is gratefully acknowledged. I am also grateful to the President Yuliang Yang, and the Vice-President Shangli Lin ofFudanUniversityfor their support, and to Professor Yuan Ren atState-BuildingResearchCenterfor his suggestion and help. Thanks also go to Rebecca Fu, as representative of the publisher, for her prompt acceptance of this product for publication, and to Lixi Dong for her excellent editing job. I also thank Professor Han Luo for his great job in translating and polishing the earlier version of some manuscripts. Finally, I am indebted to Dr. Yuan Zhang, without his commitments to administration and coordination, this volume may not possibly be coming out on time. 

                                                                (章元  供稿)