作者: 发布时间:2019-09-25 17:13:55 来源:复旦发展研究院+收藏本文
China Focus Essay Contest
中国焦点与复旦加大当代中国研究中心高兴地宣布第二届中国焦点作文大赛开启航程。作为致力于加深中美沟通及互相理解的开拓性平台,中国焦点作文大赛诚挚地邀请来自复旦大学与加州大学系统的莘莘学子参与投稿,发表自己对于中美关系的洞见与思考。 大赛将会决出两名优胜者,并将分别获得1000美元的现金奖励。除此之外,优胜者及其入围者将有机会在中国焦点网站上发表自己的作品。入围者将于2016年9月底收到通知,10月将公布优胜者人选。 China Focus and the Fudan-UC Center on Contemporary China at UCSD GPS proudly announce the 2016 China Focus Essay Contest. The second annual contest invites students from the University of California system and Fudan University to submit an essay reflecting on U.S.-China relations. Two winners will each receive a $1,000 cash prize. Winners and finalists will have the opportunity to publish their work with China Focus. Finalists will be notified by late September and winners will be announced in December.
What was the biggest missed opportunity for U.S.-China cooperation in the past two decades?
大赛要求 CONTEST REQUIREMENTS 参赛者必须提供自己的原创作品,并且在2015-2016学年仍是复旦大学或加州大学系统的在读学生。 我们鼓励协作课题,但是队伍中必须至少包括一名来自复旦大学或是加州大学系统的成员,同时如若获奖,奖金也将在成员间进行平均分配。作文大赛仅面向本科生、研究生及其博士生,且参赛作品必须以英文呈现。 当然, 在将来,我们也希望能得以进行中英文双语形式的大赛, 但在目前而言我们只能循序渐进。 参赛作品应为开放式写作(不需要遵循完全的学术格式,比如footnoted papers), 字数以1000到2000字为宜。 Each entry must be the original work by a student enrolled in the 10 campuses of the University of California system or Fudan University for the 2015-16 academic year. Collaborative projects are encouraged (as long as one of the co-authors is affiliated with a UC campus or Fudan), but prize money must be split among the collaborators. The contest is open to undergraduate and graduate students only. Entries must be in English. Essays should be written in op-ed style (not academic, footnoted papers) with a length of 1,000-2,000 words. 提交截止日期 CONTEST DEADLINE 2016年6月30日 June 30, 2016
Two $1,000 prizes
每位大赛参与者的作品都将平等地接受来自中国焦点顾问委员会的评审。此次中国焦点作文大赛的顾问委员会成员包括:许闲(Xian Xu),光磊(Lei Guang),谢淑丽(Susan Shirk),葛凯(Karl Gerth),巴里·诺顿(Barry Naughton)
Each entry will be reviewed by a panel of judges drawn from the China Focus board of advisers: Xu Xian, Lei Guang, Susan Shirk, Karl Gerth and Barry Naughton
请发送您的作品到我们的唯一官方邮箱:irpschinafocus@gmail.com ,并将邮件标题列为:CFContest-Last Name Send your submission to us by email (irpschinafocus@gmail.com) with the subject heading: CFContest-Last Name 请保证您所使用的发送邮箱是您大学所属系统的正式邮箱。我们只接受来自复旦大学及加州大学系统尾缀为“.edu”邮箱所提交的作品 Send from your university email address—submissions only are permitted from .edu emails from Fudan University and the UC system 请将您以PDF格式提交您的参赛作品 Send your essay as a PDF in an email attachment 请您在作文的末尾或是视频的介绍中提供您的全名,学校名称,院系所属及其相关信息。形式如下: Please include the full name, school affiliation at the end of the essay or in the video description in the following format: [Author 1 Full Name, Chinese Name (optional)] [School Affiliation] [Degree pursued, year] Nationality: [Country Name] 例如: Jack Zhang 张嘉琨 UC San Diego PhD Student in Political Science, 4th year American 2015 ESSAY WINNERS 袁晓(复旦大学),Christine Jiang姜美华(加州大学伯克利分校),请浏览China Focus Blog 关注她们的获奖作品。 Please visit China Focus Blog to read the 2015 winning essays by Christine Jiang (姜美华) from UC Berkeley and Xiao Yuan (袁晓) from Fudan University. 其他问题 ANY QUESTIONS? 如果您还有其他问题,请咨询 Jack Zhang (irpschinafocus@gmail.com)
Any questions? Please contact Jack Zhang (irpschinafocus@gmail.com)