复旦大学金砖国家研究中心简介CENTER FOR BRICS STUDIES,FUDAN UNIVERSITY复旦发展研究院下属复旦大学金砖国家研究中心(下称“金砖中心”)成立于2012年3月,是建立在整合复旦大学原来分布于各院系的俄罗斯研究、南亚研究、拉美研究等研究力量基础上,探讨金砖国家在重大国际问题和全球热点问题上的合作、对金砖国家参与全...
Shanghai Forum 2025 will be held onApril 25-27, 2025. The application for sub-forums officially opens up to universities, think tanks, government institutions, NGOs, enterprises and media all over the world.Introduction of Shanghai ForumTheme for2025Age of Innovation: Technology, Development and Gov...
Fudan-Latin America University Consortium6th Annual Meeting 2024December 5-6Third CircularExtension of deadline for proposal submission: 18 August 2024.ThemeInnovation, policy, and sustainable development as the driving force for national developmentIn the ongoing technological revolution, the globa...