Joaquim E. C. Toledo Jr.

Author: Release date:2024-01-11 23:19:48Source:发展研究院英文

Joaquim E. C. Toledo Jr. holds an MA from the University of São Paulo (USP) and a PhD from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp). Between 2018 and 2020, he served as a postdoctoral researcher at both USP and Unicamp, funded by a grant from the Foundation for the Coordination of Higher Education Personnel Improvement (Capes). His research interests include 20th-century intellectual history, social studies of science, development, inequality, and international relations. Currently, he serves as a researcher at the Law and Democracy Nucleus at the Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning (NDD-Cebrap) think tank and as the academic editor at the German BMBF-sponsored international research network Maria Sibylla Merian Centre Conviviality-Inequality Latin America (Mecila). He is the co-author of Technological Transition and Technological Dependency: Latin America-China Relations in a Changing International Order.* Email:

*Gaspari Cirne de Toledo, D. and Cirne de Toledo Júnior, J.E. (2021), Technological Transition and Technological Dependency: Latin America–China Relations in a Changing International Order, Revista de Gestão, 28(4), pp. 284-296.