Young Scholars ConferenceTheme: History, Social Science,and Digital Methods for Researching ChinaMay 5-6, 2025 | UC San Diego复旦大学-加州大学当代中国研究中心将联合21世纪中国研究中心和The Carter Center举办主题为“中国研究中的历史、社会科学与数智方法”的青年学者论坛。论坛旨在探讨...
DearResearcherThe PaulistaCenter for Energy Transition Studies (CPTEn) is a Science Center for Development from SãoPauloState(CCD-SP)inBrazil.It’ssupportedbyFAPESPandbyotherorganizations,whilebeingbasedattheSchoolof Electrical and Computer Engineering (FEEC) ...
FLAUC Fellow Program Application Form.docx
EDICIONES TECNOLÓGICO DE MONTERREYGLOBAL ISSUES COLLECTIONBook:Exploring Experiences of Paradiplomacy in Asia and Latin AmericaEditorsPhD STELLA JUSTE (CONICET-UNJu)PhD CAO TING (Fudan University)PhDFEDERICO TREBUCQ (CONICET-Universidad Siglo 21)PhDCARLOS CERDA DUEÑAS (Tecnológi...
Fudan-Latin America University Consortium6th Annual Meeting 2024December 5-6Third CircularExtension of deadline for proposal submission: 18 August 2024.ThemeInnovation, policy, and sustainable development as the driving force for national developmentIn the ongoing technological r...