Victor Yang

Author: Release date:2019-03-27 15:39:20Source:发展研究院英文


Victor Yang


Victor is a sociologist, writer, and educator. He has over a decade of experience teaching and learning with communities of color in the United States. In his scholarship, writing, and professional work, he takes an intimate look at the dynamics of power within social movements and in everyday life. He earned a PhD in politics and Master of Public Policy from the University of Oxford, and a BA in History and Science from Harvard College. He speaks Mandarin, English, and Spanish. His email is his first initial and last name at post dot harvard dot edu.

Victor is a scholar of social movements and the sociology of migration, with a focus in the fields of political mobilization, grassroots organizing, and family life. His work focuses on in-depth observations and interaction with immigrant populations, primarily the Asian and Latinx diaspora in the U.S. His teaching background includes courses in urban sociology, public policy, and statistics. He also worked as an educator and organizer with one of the largest unions for people of color and immigrants in the United States. He is immensely grateful for the support of Fudan Development Institute.