Fudan-Tec de Monterrey Research Center for Studies China and Latin America Officially Inaugurated

Author: Release date:2015-06-01 00:00:00Source:发展研究院英文

May 18 (Mexico), Fudan-Tecde Monterrey Research Center for Studies China and Latin America was officiallyinaugurated in Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico. Principal of ITESM GuadalajaraCampus, Mario Adrian Flores, and Vice President of Fudan University and Executive Vice Dean of Fudan Development Institute Lin Shanglirespectively delivered a speech.

In the inauguration ceremony, Professor Na Chen,adjunct researcher of Fudan Development Institute has given a speech entitledEducation as the backbone - An Overview ofHigher Education in China. 

October 14, 2014, FudanUniversity and Tecnologico de Monterrey signed an agreement to establishFudan-Tec de Monterrey Research Center for Studies China and Latin America tobuild research network of interaction between China and Latin America andeconomic integration, and to find specific challenges and opportunities duringthe process.

According to theintroduction of Dean of the Graduate School of Tecnologico de Monterrey, FudanUniversity is its most important partner in China, even in the world, which appealsto Mexican students. Given the backdrop of globalization, the center will carryout researches about the major areas of cooperation between China and LatinAmerican countries, such as economic competitiveness of Chinese and LatinAmerican, China, Latin America and global affairs, internet economic andregulatory, financial markets, asset valuation and risk management, innovation,commerce, sustainable development and other public policies. Professor MauricioCervantes Zepeda, an expert in China affairs and finance, will be the Directorof the Centre.

In the near future, Fudan-Tecde Monterrey Research Center for Studies China and Latin America is planning abook,The Internationalization of ChineseFirms in Latin America. The bookanalyses well-known Chinese companies in Latin America to find out whythey chose to invest in Latin America, and the impact of these companies onvarious aspects of Chinese and Latin American economic, politics and society. Nowthe publication program has gained support from the British publishing company,Palgrave MacMillan, and the book will serve as part of the book series PalgraveMacMillan.

Fudan-Tec de MonterreyResearch Center for Studies China and Latin America is the third China researchcenter of Fudan Development Institute established overseas. Fudan DevelopmentInstitute was established on February 12, 1993. From the beginning ofestablishment, the institute has always focused on major issues of China’s andShanghai’s development, and has performed research about strategies andcountermeasures.Currently, FudanDevelopment Institute, as a comprehensive liberal art platform and professionalhigh-end think-tank of Fudan University, focuses on country demand and promotessubject integration to contribute to national development. The Institute has absorbedmore than ten interdisciplinary research institutions. By focusing on constructionof Chinese University Think-tank Forum Secretariat, construction of Center forThink-tanks Research and Management in Shanghai, and organizing Shanghai Forumand other international conferences, Fudan Development Institute explores theestablishment of an open, flowing operation system, which brings internal andexternal research efforts together to develop research on major issues ofeconomic and finance, network security, resources and environment, BRICScooperation and global governance et al. By widely introducing overseasvisiting scholars and firstly establishing overseas China research centers,which help realize two-way interactive research on China's major developmentissues and global governance, Fudan Development Institute has become the leaderof university think-tanks going abroad.