Author: Release date:2016-10-27 11:00:35Source:发展研究院英文
The Second California-Shanghai Innovation Dialogue gathers prominent Chinese and American business executives, policy experts, scientists and scholars to discuss the state of innovation in California and Shanghai. California, extending from the Bay Area to San Diego, is one of the world’s foremost innovation hubs. Shanghai, with the surrounding Yangtze River Delta, is making rapid progress in becoming an innovation powerhouse in China.
The two-day dialogue is jointly organized by Fudan University and University of California San Diego. It will take place on Fudan University’s campus in Shanghai, welcoming government officials, academics, university leaders, business people, media and students.
While California and Shanghai diverge in their innovation models, these two regions share many key attributes, such as world-class universities, excellent infrastructure and vibrant entrepreneurial cultures. They also have many of the same industries that are driving the innovation, such as information technology, life sciences and financial sectors. In view of the commonalities and differences in the two regions, the second dialogue will focus on the following themes:
Innovation ecosystems in California and Shanghai, compared with each other and to other regions: Key topics include the dynamics and drivers of innovation in both regions, as the changing faces of innovation, institutional design, government-industry relations, regulations, financing and business models are key to scaling up from research and development to commercialization. Comparative analysis of the success and failures of regional innovation clusters also will be examined.
Close-up examination industries such as artificial intelligence and robotics, precision medicine, and financial technology: Three sessions will be devoted to a detailed discussion of innovative industries in both regions.
Financing and educating for innovation: Two panels will detail how talent is nurtured and sustained, as well as how banks, venture capitalists and investors are financing innovative firms and entrepreneurs.
Outlooks of economic growth in China and the U.S.: Attendees will plug innovation into the big picture of economic growth.
8:40–9:00 On-site Check-in
9:00–9:30 Opening Remarks
Moderator: ZHANG Yi, Fudan Development Institute
XU Ningsheng, President, Fudan University
Peter COWHEY, UC San Diego
TANG Haidong, Deputy Governor of Yangpu District, Shanghai
9:30–10:45 Keynote Panel: Envisioning Innovation in the United States and China
Moderator: Susan Shirk, Chair, UC San Diego
ZHANG Laiwu, Fudan University
Peter COWHEY, UC San Diego
MEI Yonghong, Shenzhen National Gene Bank
10:45-11:15 Coffee Break
11:15-12:15 Session 1: Dynamics of Innovation in California and Shanghai
Moderator: Tai Ming CHEUNG, UC San Diego
Mary WALSHOK, UC San Diego
SHOU Ziqi, Shanghai S&T Association
12:15-13:45 Lunch
13:45-14:30 Keynote: The Role of Design in Innovation
Moderator: LOU Yongqi, Tongji University
Don NORMAN, UC San Diego
14:30-15:45 Session 2: Comparing Regional Innovation Clusters
Moderator: WU Chen, The Economist, China
Kevin KLOWDEN, Milken Institute
Douglas FULLER, Zhejiang University
15:45-16:15 Coffee Break
16:15-17:30 Session 3: The Human Dimension of Innovation
Moderator: Mary WALSHOK, UC San Diego
Doug GUTHRIE, Apple University China
LUO Hui, National Academy of Innovation Strategy
CUI Hanwen, Alibaba Business Review
18:00-20:30 Dinner
9:00-10:00 Keynote Panel: The Future of Innovation
Moderator: Peter COWHEY, UC San Diego
Chris ANDERSON, 3D Robotics
10:00–11:15 Session 4: Robotics, IOT and Artificial Intelligence
Moderator: Ning XI, The University of Hong Kong
HOU Jilei, Qualcomm, Inc.
Fengjian FENG, Fudan University
11:15-11:30 Coffee break
11:30–12:45 Session 5: Life Sciences and Precision Medicine
JIN Li, Fudan University
12:45-14:00 Lunch
14:00–14:45 Keynote: Financial Innovation
14:45-16:00 Session 6: Financial Technology Innovation
Moderator: LI Lingfang, Fudan University
ZHOU Ye, China PnR
Hao ZOU, Lending Club
GU Ming, Chief Scientist, Shanghai PaipaiDai Financial Information Service
16:00-16:15 Coffee break
16:15–17:30 Session 7: Financing Innovation
Oscar JAZDOWSKI, SPD Silicon Valley Bank
Charlie SHI, Founder and Managing Partner, Omaha Capital China
17:30–17:45 Closing Remarks
LIU Chenggong, Fudan University
18:30 Dinner
China Daily
Xinhua News Agency Shanghai Bureau
Fudan Development Institute
Institute of Sixth-sector Industrialization Research, Fudan University
The Program to Promote China-US Friendship, Trust and Cooperation
Fudan-UC Center on Contemporary China
21st Century China Center, UC San Diego
UC Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation
The Municipal Government of Yangpu District, Shanghai
School of Global Policy & Strategy, UC San Diego
Jacobs School of Engineering, UC San Diego
School of Economics, Fudan University