
FDDI Visiting Scholars Spring Semester (March-June, 2017)

At the start point of the spring semester of 2017, Fudan Development Institute is now prepared to welcome FDDI Visiting Scholars (click for details) from around the world. During the next months, 10 scholars from various backgrounds will be visiting here and conducting independent research. 


visiting scholar seminar


Mexican visiting scholar Prof. Adolfo Laborde published his commentary  article on local newspaper《Shanghai Daily》with the help of FDDI

FDDI would hope to provide a platform where the FDDI visiting scholars (click for details) could communicate and cooperate with scholars from Fudan University and other universities and think tanks in Shanghai. And for the details about the visiting scholars and the FDDI Overseas Visiting Scholar Seminar in this semester, please read the following information. 

And please feel free to contact us by, if you have any questions or need more information.

Seminar Arrangement




March, 14th

Andreas Grimmel

Susanne My Giang

The European Union, its   Crisis and the Concept of Solidarity

Yuan Li (李远)

Bridging Europe with Asia   and Looking for Mutual Benefits: Can the Belt and Road Initiative Breed a New   White Swan for the World?

March, 28th

Christophe Leclercq

Reset Modernity! In   Shanghai: A Cross-cultural Dialogue on Modernity and Ecology

May, 9th

Viktor Eszterhai

China’s Rise and New   International Norms: Toward a Non-Western Value-Based World Order?

May, 15th

Aida Urazaliyeva

Beef and Dairy Value   Chains of Kazakhstan

Shaheli Das

China's Approach to Global   Governance: A Case Study of Sino-Brazil Relations

June, 6th

Andrew Leckey

The Image of China as a   Rising Economic Power as Represented in Western Media and its Implications

June, 13th

Emmanuel Igbinoba

China’s One Belt One Road   Initiative: An Analysis of Industry Payoffs for Africa and Europe Using a   Gravity Approach

June, 19th

Catherine Owen

Russia and China in   Central Asian Media: A Comparative Discourse Analysis

Visiting Schedule


Visiting Dates

Current Position

Research Area

Andrew Grimmel

Feb 27th – March 29th 

Research Associate & Lecturer,

Institute for Political Science,

University of Hamburg

²  European Union Politics and European Integration

²  International Relations & International Organizations

²  Regional Integration

Susanne My Giang

Feb 27th – March 29th 

PhD Scholar,

Institute for Political Science,

University of Hamburg

²  Transformation Process

²  Environment, Energy, Climate Policy and International   Organizations

Yuan Li (李远)

March 1st – March 31st  

Acting Professor,

Institute of East Asian Studies   (IN-EAST),

University of Duisburg-Essen

²  Business and Economic Studies

Christophe Leclercq

March 13th – May  15th

Lecturer, Ecole du Louvre, Paris

Reset Modernity! Co-curator and   Co-editor,

Science Po Medialab

²  Collaboration Practices facing Ecological and Technological Issues   

Shaheli Das

March 13th – June   10th

PhD Scholar, Centre for East Asian   Studies,

School of International Studies,

Jawaharlal Nehru University.

²  China’s Foreign Policy

Emmanuel Igbinoba

March 26th – June   2nd 

Research Analyst,

Centre for Chinese Studies,

Stellenbosch University, South Africa

²  International Finance, Macroeconomics.

Aida Urazaliyeva

April 17th – June   18th

Senior Researcher,

National Analytical Cente, Kazakhstan

²  International Relations, Global Governance and Sustainable   Development;

²  International Value Chain

Viktor Eszterhai

May 1st – May 30th

Senior Analyst,

Geopolitical Institute of China, PAGEO,   Central Bank of Hungary

²  East and Southeast Asia; Sino-Western Relations

²  Modern and Contemporary World History

²  Geographical Factor in Social Development

Catherine Owen

May 1st – June 30th


Department of Political Science,

University of Exeter

²  Central Asia Studies

Andrew Leckey

May 16th t – June   14th


Donald W. Reynolds National Center for   Business Journalism

²  Journalism