May 23-24, 2019, Fudan University
Shanghai, China
Organizer: Fudan Development Institute
Fudan-UC Center on Contemporary China
Fudan Development Institute (FDDI), based at Fudan University, invites young social sciences scholars, from Ph.D candidates to associate professors, throughout FDDI's international network to participate in its 2nd Global Young Scholars Conference on May 23-24, 2019 at Fudan University, Shanghai, China. It is co-sponsored by the Fudan-UC Center on Contemporary China as the Center's 6th annual young scholars conference. The conference language is English.
The conference aims to encourage young social sciences scholars to get together so they can exchange ideas and share research findings. It strives to be a dynamic forum for international participants from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds to build new synergies and develop future collaborative projects.
This year's conference theme “China and the World: Development , Governance, and Security” is broadly construed to include data-driven studies, both quantitative and qualitative, from all social science disciplines.
Conference organizations call for proposals that are related to the following themes:
1)Technology Innovation and Social Development
2)Global Uncertainty and the World Order
3)Digital Governance
4)Global City
5)The Future of China’ Reform and Opening-up
If you would like to present at the conference, please send the relevant materials (see below) to Ms. JIANG Huaxia ( by March 15th, 2019. Selected presenters will be notified no later than April 1, 2019.
Application should include:
A detailed abstract (around 300-500 words), or a draft paper.
Conference Travel
Conference registration is free. FDDI will cover the round-trip transportation (economy class) and maximum 5-night (5/22-26) accommodation for the paper presenters.
Paper presenters will be also invited to attend Shanghai Forum 2019 which will be held from May 25 to May 27, 2019 in Shanghai. Selected papers may be considered for publication in the Chinese Political Science Review, edited by Fudan University and published quarterly by Springer Nature.
For submission of paper, and questions related to the conference, please contact Ms. JIANG Huaxia at
Or by mail:
JIANG Huaxia
Fudan Development Institute
Think Tank Building, Fudan University
220 Handan Road, Shanghai, China
Details of Global Young Scholars Conference 2018
Global Young Scholars Conference 2018 -Conference Programme .pdf
Fudan Development Institute(FDDI)
Fudan Development Institute (FDDI) was founded on February 12th, 1993. Aiming at policy and strategy research on key issues relevant to the development of Shanghai and China, it is striving to be a comprehensive platform for humanities and social sciences studies of Fudan University, and a professional high-end think tank in China.
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Shanghai Forum
Shanghai Forum, launched in 2005, is co-hosted by Fudan University and Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies, undertaken by Fudan Development Institute (FDDI). The main theme of the Forum is “Global Governance and Asia”. Shanghai Forum 2019 will be held from May 25 to May 27, 2019 in Shanghai. The theme is “Asia Amidst Global Reshuffling: Challenges, Developments, and New Paradigms”.
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Fudan-UC Center on Contemporary China
The Fudan-UC Center on Contemporary China is the first academic institution to be established by a major Chinese university in cooperation with a leading North American university. It is based in the School of International Relations and Pacific Studies (IR/PS) at the University of California, San Diego. The Center serves to connect all ten campuses of the University of California system with Fudan University in Shanghai. It will bring together leading research scholars from both universities for conferences and lectures, and it will facilitate cooperative research. The Center will promote deeper mutual understanding between the United States and China.
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