Hong Liu

Author: Release date:2020-12-31 10:53:02Source:发展研究院英文

Hong Liu,Associate Professor

Prof. Hong Liu is an associate professor at Fudan Development Institute of FudanUniversity. She has also been a Visiting Scholar at Center for Studies in Higher Education of UC Berkeley during 2019-2020. Hong Liu received her B.A. in law from Fudan University in 2003, her M.A. in public management from Fudan University in 2006, and Ph.D. in public policy from Fudan University in 2011. Her research area mainly focuses on higher education policy, higher education management and university governance. Up to now, she has been awarded more than ten research funds by the Ministry of Education of China, Shanghai Education Committee and departments of the government. She has published several papers in these areas, most of which were published in prestigious and peer-reviewed journals in China.
