征文 | 第四届复旦-拉美大学联盟年会征稿通知

作者: 发布时间:2022-09-28 来源:复旦发展研究院+收藏本文



Fudan-Latin America University Consortium Annual Meeting 2022

Transpacific Relations in Times of Uncertainty

November 10-12,2022

*Online Conference*

In the last decades, economic and political relations across China and Latin America Countries have reached unquestionable importance. At the same time, diverse approaches and interactions in the  international scenario have generated a complex relationship between nations. Events like the return of the war in Europe, the consequences of the COVID19 pandemic, the resurgence of economic and political blocks, the impact of the growing environmental crisis, and the rising political and ideological extremism create the conditions of a world characterized by uncertainty.

So, the relationship between China and Latin America needs to be analyzed and discussed strategically from an academic perspective. In this context, between November 10 and 12, the FLAUC 2022 Annual Meeting will be held under the title: Transpacific Relations in Times of Uncertainty.



The Conference will have six thematic areas:

Cooperation for Sustainable Development

Investment & Trade

Governance, Geopolitics & Financial Order

National Development Impetus

Society and Culture

Urban Development

• Annual Meeting will be held online, using the zoomplatform

• Participants and authorities will receive a zoom invitation for allsessions

• FLAUC Assembly is by invitationonly

• All times refer to Mexico City timezone


(Up-to-date )


Call for Papers

The FLAUC 2022 Annual Meeting organizers invite researchers from all participating universities to submit their paper proposals before October 15, 2022. These proposals must include title, author, institution, an abstract of a maximum of 300 words, and between 3 and 5 keywords. The authors must also indicate the thematic field in which their work applies.

You can send your proposal to the following email:



• English will be the language of the Conference.

• All meetings will be held online, using the zoom platform.

• Speakers, coordinators, and authorities will receive a zoom invitation for all sessions.

• Each speaker will have 12 to 15 minutes for their presentation.

• The best papers presented, after going through the academic review and editing process, may be published by an internationally prestigious publisher.


School of Social Science and Government, Tecnologico de Monterrey, México


Prof. Daniel Lemus-Delgado

Email: dlemus@tec.mx