征文 | 2025 China Focus Essay Contest 2025 “中国焦点”征文比赛

作者: 发布时间:2025-03-19 来源:复旦UC+收藏本文


China Focus is thrilled to announce the 2025 China Focus Essay Contest. This year’s contest is organized by China Focus and is jointly sponsored by the Fudan-UC Center on Contemporary China, the 1990 Institute, the Carter Center, and the 21st Century China Center. 

We will accept both Chinese and English submissions. The contest offers two topics and awards two top prizes of $1,000 and four runner-up prizes of $ 500 each.

Award winners will grant China Focus and co-sponsors the right to publish their essays on their respective platforms or in their publications. Winners may also be contacted with additional award opportunities to transform their essays into teaching materials and also to discuss their work with a panel during the summer. More information can be found in the announcement China Focus is thrilled to announce the 2025 China Focus Essay Contest! on the China Focus official website:


2025“中国焦点”年度征文比赛正式开启。本届征文比赛由“中国焦点”(China Focus)倡议和组织,复旦-加大当代中国研究中心、1990学社(The 1990 Institute)、卡特中心(The Carter Center)和加州大学圣地亚哥分校21世纪中国研究中心(21st Century China Center)协办。本届比赛共有两个主题,邀请就读于全球高校、尤其是中美两国高校的本科生、研究生 (包括毕业不到一年的学生) 任选其中一个主题,针对中美两国共同面对的一些挑战表述自己的观点和看法。




2025 征文比赛题目(二选一)

2025 Essay Topics (Choose Only One)

Topic 1: 

The dynamics of US-China relations are set to undergo significant changes under the new Trump administration. As the US redefines its foreign policy, China is expected to continue to assert its power on the global stage, especially in the Global South. Write an essay that, backed by well-chosen evidence and detailed analysis, explains how the new US administration may respond to China’s growing influence in country or region X (select one country or region you want to investigate) and why?

Topic 2:

“Made in China 2025” was an ambitious initiative launched by China to transform its manufacturing sector into a global leader in advanced technology and innovation. Its plan was to focus on improving industries such as robotics, aerospace, information technology, and green technologies, aiming to reduce dependence on foreign technology and foster homegrown technological advancements. Now is the year 2025. Has China achieved what it set out to do in its plan “Made in China 2025”? Pick one or two areas mentioned in the plan and evaluate where China has succeeded, and where China has fallen short of its original plan. What are the implications for China’s technological future? Competitive essays will utilize well-chosen evidence and detailed analysis.





2025 征文比赛资格和要求

2025 Contest Requirements

The contest is open to undergraduate, graduate students, and recent graduates. Each entry must be the original work of students enrolled during the 2024-25 academic year, as well as those who graduated in or after May 2024 but have not yet reached one-year post-graduation. We especially welcome submissions by students from U.S. and Chinese universities. Collaborative projects are encouraged, but prize money must be split among collaborators. 

Entries can be in either English or Chinese. Essays should be written in op-ed style, with references provided as appropriate but no need for detailed footnotes, with a length of up to 2,500 words in English and 3,000 in Chinese.

Each entry will be reviewed by a panel of judges drawn from the China Focus board of advisers, experts in U.S.-China relations, and others with relevant expertise.





Contest Deadline

May 1st, 2025, 11:59 PM PST

美西时间 2025年5月1日 23点59分


Contest Prizes & Previous Winners

Two equal prizes of $1,000 for contest winners, the 1990 Institute Prize and the Jimmy Carter Prize, will be awarded. Four runner-up essays will also be selected to win $500 each.

Winners will be selected on quality regardless of the topic chosen or the language used. Essay winners may then be contacted with additional award opportunities entailing transforming their essays into teaching materials and/or discussing their essay themes with experts on a panel event during the summer.

Check out our previous winners here:







How to Enter

Send your submission to us by email (chinafocus@ucsd.edu) with the subject heading: “CF Contest2025-LastName”

Send from your official university email address.

Send your essay attached as a PDF. Please include a cover page with the following information:

- Submission title

- Author name(s)

- Profile photo

- Affiliated school

- Degree just completed or being pursued in the current school year

- Nationality

- 3-4 sentences bio

- An alternative (permanent) email address (different from the school email address)

- Where did you hear about the essay contest?

For more information, email chinafocus@ucsd.edu and follow our LinkedIn page “China Focus”.

在截止期限之前,将稿件存为PDF格式,寄至chinafocus@ucsd.edu,标题为“CF Contest2025-LastName”。


- 文章标题

- 作者姓名

- 证件照片

- 所属学校

- 当前所修学位

- 国籍

- 个人简介 (3-4句话即可)

- 永久个人电子邮箱(非学校官方邮箱)

- 你从哪个渠道听说此次征文比赛

- 如果您还有其他问题,请咨询chinafocus@ucsd.edu或关注中国焦点官方领英。