作者: 发布时间:2022-11-20 来源:复旦发展研究院+收藏本文
The Academic Network for Latin America and the Caribbean call for papers for :
Sixth International Seminar
“Latin America and the Caribbean and China:conditions and challenges in the 21st Century”
May 29th, 30th and 31st, 2023
The seminar will take place virtually
1. Background
The People’s Republic of China (China, in what follows) has increased its presence in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) from several perspectives, expressed in increasing academic, political, trade and investment relationships, as well as in terms of business and culture. While this “new encounter” has apparently began in the economic sphere since the end of the 20th century, it is true that several centuries of exchange cannot be left aside in the already mentioned spheres of analysis. Currently the LAC-China dialogue presents an increasing richness in bilateral and multilateral policies, as well as regarding raw materials and the environment, or the analysis of culture, history and the learning Chinese.
It is in this context that the Academic Network of Latin America and the Caribbean on China (Red ALC-China), invites to theSixth International Seminar “Latin America and the Caribbean and China: conditions and challenges in the 21st century”which will be held in digital format onMay 29th, 30th and 31st, 2023.
The call for papers is particularly addressed towards academics, representatives of academic international institutions, business, NGOs, public officials, graduate students, and the general interested public.
Red ALC-China emphasizes the importance of a detailed and concrete dialogue in each of the thematic topics and a common and heterogeneous learning process; the knowledge of the respective publications and initiatives, within Red ALC-China and of other authors and institutions, are relevant for the discussion.
2. Goal
The Sixth International Seminar continues with the dialogue and learning process between countries and sectors on the LAC-China relationship based on the existing academic results that allows for future research and urges to make explicit references to the results of Red ALC-China and of other authors and institutions in the public, private and academic sectors.
3. Thematic Subjects
The Sixth International Seminar is structured in four thematic subjects:
1. Economy, trade, and investments
2. International politics and relations
3. Raw materials and environment
4. History, culture and learning of Chinese language
4. Requirements
a) Be a member of the Red ALC-China
b) Submit a summary of the proposed presentation either in Spanish or English, according to the guidelines
c) Proposals must be submitted in Word with max. 4,000 characters including spaces, in Times New Roman 12, with 1.5 spaces. The summary must include the following structure: title, name, institutional affiliation, email, thematic subject, topics to be analyzed, hypothesis, goals, results and/or conclusions. It is important to adhere to the suggested guidelines, otherwise proposals will not be considered.
Languages of the Sixth International Seminar will be Spanish and English, with no translation available.
5. Deadlines
Send your proposals untilJanuary 23rd, 2023with the requested format to:redchina@unam.mx
Fomat proposal: https://fddi.fudan.edu.cn/_upload/article/files/a6/8d/d16ef44648f884ec2bb53ee47bdd/d1a9c9ca-8110-4bf7-b3e7-b228d7339e27.docx
(Download by copying the address to the brower or viaread more↓)
Please refer to the following link for further information of this seminar: