作者: 发布时间:2024-03-27
复旦-金光思想库(以下简称“思想库”)“复旦金光访问学者项目”面向印度尼西亚学者开放申请,以加强学术研究及合作,促进海外学者与复旦学者交流沟通。1. 申请人应拥有印度尼西亚国籍,年龄在60岁及以下;2. 申请人应为在中国大陆以外的大学或研究机构拥有正式职务的学者、资深专家或行业精英,具备良好的研究能力;申请人应将以下材料(英文)打包,以“Fudan-Sinarmas Fellow Program+学者姓名”方式命名,发送至fudan_sinarmas@fudan.edu.cn2. 个人简历,包括教育与研究经历、已发表学术成果;4. 一份访问期间的研究计划(英文,不少于2页)。1. 访问学者应围绕一带一路、国家治理、绿色经济等主题展开研究,具体领域包括但不限于国家发展现状及困惑、数字化转型、绿色金融、科技创新、城市发展与治理、碳达峰碳中和等;2. 访问学者应在访学结束时提供至少一篇工作论文作为访学期间研究成果,论文正式发表需注明“复旦-金光思想库复旦金光访问学者项目”支持;3. 访问学者应积极响应金光集团研究需要,主导相关委托课题,并就其研究课题在金光集团或复旦大学进行至少一次讲座,并积极参加思想库组织的研讨活动;4. 访问学者应每周至少两个工作日在研究室工作,并接受复旦大学教研人员及学生的预约见面;5. 访问学者应为思想库刊物《复旦金光参阅》撰写文章;6. 访问学者在国内访问期间参与其他机构活动时,应提前告知思想库,并在职位中注明“复旦金光访问学者”。*所有访问学者向思想库提交的文章,可能被甄选并推荐发表。访问学者须保证其所提交或推荐的文章不会引起任何版权纠纷。2. 访问学者驻校期间,可使用复旦大学的图书馆和电子资源;3. 思想库长期向访问学者提供研究室,每周一至周五,8:30-17:00开放,假期除外;4. 访问学者在校期间可参加所有复旦大学的公开讲座、会议和论坛等活动;5. 思想库为访问学者提供文章发表平台和机会,包括学术论文发表和媒体评论发表;6. 思想库将为有意向的访问学者提供一次田野调查机会。联系邮箱:fudan_sinarmas@fudan.edu.cnFudan-Sinarmas Thinktank, Fudan UniversityFudan-Sinarmas Fellow Program (Autumn Semester Year 2024)Fudan-SInarmas Thinktank, Fudan University (hereinafter referred to as “Think tank”) is an academic and consultative research project collaborated by Fudan University and Sinarmas Group APP (China). The program fully utilizes the advantages of the comprehensive disciplines of Fudan University and the industrial and resource advantages of Sinarmas Group, in exploring the dynamics of national development and stimulating the new momentum in the new era.The Fudan-Sinarmas Fellow Program applications are open to Indonesian scholars. The program allows scholars to interact with Fudan faculty and help deepen cross-disciplinary academic collaborations.1. Applicants are required to be or under 60 years of age and hold Indonesian nationality;2. Applicants are required to hold a faculty position at a recognized university or be a regular member at an established research institute outside Chinese mainland;3. Applicants are required to be available for full-time research at office for 30-90 days;4. The working language is required to be English. | |
Autumn Semester (Sep 2024 – Jan 2025) | |
Applicants are required to send the following documents (in English) named “Fudan-Sinarmas Fellow Program + applicant’s name” to fudan_sinarmas@fudan.edu.cn;2. Curriculum Vitae (including academic and professional experiences, previous research list, etc.);3. High resolution picture with white background of the applicant (JPEG or PNG);4. Research proposal (minimum 2 pages in English).1. The research fields are required to focus on the Belt and Road Initiative, National governance, Etc., with specific areas including, but not limited to, the status and confusion of national development, digital transformation, science and technology innovation, urban development and governance, carbon peaking and carbon neutrality;2. The visiting scholar is required to submit a working paper during the visiting period. Upon the publication of the paper, the visiting scholar should indicate the support of the “Fudan-Sinarmas Thinktank, Fudan-Sinarmas Fellow Program” in the paper;3. The visiting scholar should actively respond to the research need of Sinarmas Group, lead relevant commissioned research, and give at least one lecture on their research topics at the Sinarmas Group or the Fudan University, and actively participate in other seminars organized by the program;4. The visiting scholar is required to work at the office for at least 2 days per week, and meet with other scholars, staff or students who have made an appointment with them;5. The visiting scholar is required to contribute articles to the program internal publication “Fudan-Sinarmas Review”;6. The visiting scholar is required to inform the program in advance when attending activities organized by other institutions during the visiting period, and add “Fudan-Sinarmas Fellow, Fudan University” as title;*All the reports/ articles/ essays that the visiting scholar submits to the program may be selected and recommended to the program publishing partners. Please ensure that the submissions or recommendations do not cause any copyright conflicts.1. The program will provide the visiting scholar with a reasonable stipend for international transportation and living expenses during the visiting period, as well as a reasonable remuneration for their Fudan collaborator;2. The visiting scholar enjoys full access to libraries and electronic resources at Fudan University during the visiting period;3. The program provides each visiting scholar with free office space which is accessible from Monday to Friday, 8:30 – 17:00 (except for University holidays);4. Visiting scholars are welcome to attend lectures and all public scholarly events at Fudan University;5. The program will provide platforms and opportunities for publication in academic journals and the media in China;6. Visiting scholars would have free field trip opportunities arranged by the program.Email: fudan_sinarmas@fudan.edu.cn