作者: 发布时间:2024-04-11 来源:复旦发展研究院+收藏本文
Topic: Sinic Perspectivism in Multi-universal Epistemes: A Proposal for Chinese Area Studies
Date: April 12, 2024
Time: 17:30-19:00 Shanghai
Venue: Conference Room E903-904, NYU Shanghai, New Bund Campus
Zoom Webinar: ID: 94442301585; Passcode: 608822
Chinese Area Studies faces skepticism due to the immense volume of knowledge it encompasses. However, I propose a counterargument through the notion of Sinic Perspectivism, which acknowledges multi-universal epistemes in a world of global diverse cultural systems. Rather than merely collecting information, Area Studies should interpret data through our unique perspectives, transcending the practice of provincializing Europe or unmasking orientalism. This approach reorients knowledge production to generate insights into global phenomena using diverse cultural frameworks. Thus, Area Studies offers an opportunity to broaden our understanding of China by embracing multi-universal perspectives. I will elucidate my arguments by analyzing a Melanesian exchange system through the lens of Laozi.
Yongjia Liang is Qiushi Distinguished Professor of Anthropology at the Department of Sociology and Director of the Institute of Anthropology, Zhejiang University. In addition to numerous Chinese publications, he publishes with American Anthropologist, Religions, China Review, the Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, and Routledge. He is currently interested in social scientific knowledge production, religion and nation-building, and Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
梁永佳现为浙江大学社会学系求是特聘人类学教授、人类学研究所所长。除了在国内发表大量学术著作外,还在American Anthropologist, Religions, China Review, the Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology以及Routledge出版社发表多部作品。他目前的研究兴趣包括社会科学知识的生产,宗教与国家建设,一带一路倡议。
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