

Stella Maris Juste

Stella Maris Juste

Stella Maris Juste is Associate Professor at the National University of Jujuy (Argentina), and Researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council of Argentina (CONICET).


Her academic background is in international relations where she specialises in the study of the international actions of subnational units. This epistemic field is known as paradiplomacy and territorial internationalisation.


Her doctoral research focused on the study of the international actions of subnational units in the double periphery in Argentina, Bolivia and Chile. Later, her postdoctoral research was devoted to the study of renewable energy projects of Argentine provinces and Chinese actors. Her current research project focuses on paradiplomacy and local energy transformation through the study of energy initiatives (renewables and lithium) in Argentina and their links with China between 2014-2024.


During her stay at the Fudan Development Institute she works on research “Decentralization, paradiplomacy, and foreign policy.  A comparative analysis of Argentina and China in ten years of the Belt and Road Initiative”. An approach to study the relation among the decentralization of the State, models of paradiplomacy, and the influence of subnational units in the construction of foreign policy. To this end, a comparative study of the paradiplomacy of Jujuy province and Shanghai city is proposed, in order to explain its impacts on national foreign policies of Argentina and China. The research will take a ten-year period, in accordance with the first decade of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the end of Argentine President Alberto Fernández's administration in 2023.


E-mail: stellajuste@gmail.com