

Yang Jiang


Yang Jiang


Education background

Ph.D. in International Political Economy, Department of International Relations, The Australian National University, 2005—2008

M.A. in Political Science, National University of Singapore, 2002—2004

B.A. in International Politics, University of International Relations, Beijing, 1997—2001

Work experience

Senior Researcher, Department of Global Transformations, Danish Institute for International Studies, 2013.10-

Associate Professor, Asia Research Centre, Department of International Economics and Management, Copenhagen Business School, 2011.11-2013.09

Assistant Professor, Copenhagen Business School, 2008.11-2011.10

Research project at FDDI

To conduct research& academic discussions on OBOR:

1.       The financing& performance of infrastructure projects;

2.       The form of public- private partnership;

3.       The role of Chinese SOE& banks.