Gonzalo Pacheco Lay
Economist with higher education (Doctor of Education, National University of San Marcos; Master of Science, National University of Engineering; and Bachelor of Economics, University of San Martín de Porres) and international experience (Fudan University, Shanghai, People's Republic of China; International Institute for Planning Education, Argentina; Catholic University of Our Lady of the Assumption, Paraguay; and Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico). I lead, in my work centre, the research group Economics and education management. Also, I am co-author of books and, above all, writer of articles related to my specialty. Moreover, I am also an associate of Foro Educativo, a prestigious institution that researches Peru´s educational problems.
In this moment, I am principal professor and researcher of Education Faculty (National University of San Marcos). Also I worked in public (Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo university) and private (Cayetano Heredia University, San Ignacio de Loyola University, Sapientiae Catholic University and Adventist University of Peru) universities.
My areas of research interest are the following: Educational planning, economics of education and higher education.
Finally, my institutional e-mail is the following: gpachecol@unmsm.edu.pe
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