

​Julian Bilmes

Julian Bilmes holds a PhD in Social Sciences and is a Graduate in Sociology from the National University of La Plata (UNLP), Argentina. He is post-doctoral fellow of the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET-Argentina), with workplace at the Institute for Research in Humanities and Social Sciences (IdIHCS-UNLP/CONICET) and serves as professor at the Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences of the UNLP.

His research topics focus on geopolitics, sovereignty, development and strategic resources. He is a member of the research team from the Tricontinental Institute for Social Research Crisis of hegemony, rise of China and contemporary historical-spatial transition and the Working Group China and the map of world power of the Latin American Council on Social Sciences (CLACSO).

He is interested in learning what can be learned from the trajectory of Chinese development from Argentina, South America and the peripheral positions in the world system, as well as the possibilities and potential for relations that arise from China's rise on the world power map.


Email: bilmesjulian@gmail.com.