

Eduardo Daniel Oviedo

Principal researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) and Professor of History of Contemporary International Relations at the National University of Rosario (UNR), Argentina. He completed his post-doctoral studies at UNR after graduating with a PhD in political science from the Catholic University of Cordoba in Argentina. Professor Oviedo also holds a Master’s Degree in Law from Peking University, China, and a first degree from UNR. As of 2017, he is in category 1 at the Argentine Ministry of Education and Culture.

Dr. Oviedo has published widely on the foreign policy of China and its international relations with Latin America, in particular Argentina. He is author of the books «Argentina and the East Asia», «China in Expansion», and «History of the International Relations between Argentina and China»; and about two hundred articles written in Spanish, English or Chinese. His latest book is “International relations in times of China’s rise and Argentine decline” (Buenos Aires: Areté Editor Group, 2023).

He has served as the Chinese translator for several of Argentina’s Presidents between 1996 and 2010. Dr Oviedo has been a visiting professor at several Latin American, European and Asian universities.

E-mail: eduardodanieloviedo@hotmail.com