作者:IGPP 发布时间:2023-11-07 来源:复旦发展研究院+收藏本文
Fudan-LSE Lecture Series No.49 复旦-LSE讲座系列第49期
主 题/Title
Energy to transform
Sebastián Puig教授
Prof. Sebastián Puig,
National Technological University
Prof. Yijia Jing
IGPP, Fudan University
时 间/Time
15:00-16:00 (Beijing Time), November 7th
地 点/Venue
Room 805E, 8thFloor,West Sub-building of Guanghua Towers
主讲人介绍/ The Speaker
Sebastián Puig is Dean of the National Technological University, Regional Faculty of Río Gallegos. His management spanned two periods from 2018-2021 and he was re-elected that year with a mandate until 2025.
He was Secretary of University Extension of the Rectorate of the National Technological University from 2002 to 2013 and Director of Graduate Studies from 1998 to 2002.
He has a degree in Industrial Organization and has ongoing postgraduate studies linked to labor engineering.
Since his tenure as Dean of the Santa Cruz Regional Faculty, he led the process that today has the creation of the Energy Engineering Degree, which together with the National University of San Martín are unique in the entire country, training the next generations in conducting energy processes.At the same time, he is Counselor for the People before the Judicial Council of the Province of Santa Cruz, a position elected in general elections.
In the past decades, the countries of the Global South have been able to make their voices heard in the international stage. These countries possess strategic human and natural resources that make it possible to deepen ties of cooperation in the production of knowledge and the development of the new technological frontiers. The cooperation between Argentina and China is an excellent example of this dynamic.
As a representative for the Province of Santa Cruz, the South of the South, I will provide a brief presentation of the potential of a southern project to develop energies that will transform our future. I hope this will allow us to identify new opportunities and address new challenges with the aim of generating win-win cooperation.
Institute for Global Public Policy, Fudan University
LSE-Fudan Research Centre for Global Public Policy
Fudan Development Institute