
作者: 发布时间:2013-08-07 来源:复旦发展研究院+收藏本文

1.Anning Hu. “The Health Benefits ofCollege Educationin Urban China: Selection Bias and Heterogeneity.” SocialIndicators Research, 2013(06)

Abstract China has undergone a rapid expansion in higher education since thelate1990s. Drawing on a recently collected nationwide representative data, thecurrent study makes contributions to the understanding of the health benefitsof college education in urban China. Using propensity score matching to dealwith potential selection bias, the results of the current research suggest thathigher education attainment can significantly promote people’s self-ratedhealth status, with the control for a series of demographic and socio-economiccharacteristics. Moreover, this research also highlights the heterogonous treatmenteffects: those who are more likely to attend college benefit less from thehealth returns to higher education than those who are less likely to go tocollege, lending support to a negative heterogeneous treatment effect pattern.Finally, we also examine the cohort difference in the heterogeneous treatmenteffect and it turns out that the negative pattern mainly takes place among thecohorts born after 1981, the generations who experienced the expansion ofhigher education.

Keywords Health benefits, College education, Urban China, Selection bias, Heterogeneity


 2.AnningHu. “Proliferation of educational credentials, changing economic returns, andrising occupational education requirements: Evidence in urban China from 2003to 2008.” International Sociology, 201328(4)448-466

Abstract A remarkable expansion of secondary and tertiaryeducation has been witnessed in mainland China in the past decades, resultingin changing returns to educational credentials. Using data from the 2003 and2008 Chinese General Social Survey, this article examines (1) the changingreturns to secondary and tertiary credentials in urban China from 2003 and2008; and (2) the changing education requirements of employers across the sameperiod. This research highlights a significant decline in economic returns tocollege credentials, but no significant changes in the economic returns tosecondary educational credentials are detected. The percentage of job positionsrequiring secondary education on the labor market is stagnant while there is asignificant increase in the job positions which require tertiary educationcredentials. This research highlights the potential effects of employers’responses to educational expansion on the returns to educational credentials.

Keywords China,educational sociology, social science research, social stratification


3.Xiuyan Guo, Li Zheng, LeiZhu*, Jiangqi Li, Qianfeng Wang, ZoltanDienes, Zhiliang Yang. (2013). Increased neural responses to unfairness in aloss context. NeuroImage, 77:246-253.(SCI, IF=5.895)

Abstract: Unfairness plays an importantrole in economic decision making. This fMRI study sought to investigate how theloss and the gain contexts could modulate behavioral and brain responses tounfairness by focusing on participants' rejection behaviors during an UltimatumGame paradigm. Participants were scanned while they were playing the UltimatumGame as responders in both loss and gain contexts, i.e. receiving ¥50 as gainsand paying for ¥50 as losses. At the behavioral level, lower fairness ratings andhigher rejection rates were revealed for unfair losses than unfair gains. Atthe neural level, left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, bilateral anteriorinsula, anterior cingulate cortex/anterior middle cingulate cortex andbilateral dorsal striatum were associated with rejection (vs. acceptance) inthe loss context, but not in the gain context. Together, our data indicatedthat participants may experience more unfairness in UG and stronger desire tosanction social norm violations in the loss context than in the gain context,inducing more fairness-related neutral activities when rejecting (vs.accepting) unfair losses than unfair gains. These findings shed light on thesignificance of context (i.e. loss or gain) in fairness-related socialdecision-making processes.


4.Lei Zhu, Li Zheng, Menghe Chen, Xiuyan Guo*, JianqiLi, Luguang Chen, Zhiliang Yang. (2013). The neural correlates of incidentalselfprocessinginduced by handwritten negative words. Experimental Brain Research, 228(1):1-8. . (SCI, IF=2.395)

Abstract: Behavioral studies revealed that people were less likely to endorsenegative information as self-descriptive. Neuroimaging studies have tapped onthe neural mechanism underlying intentional self-processing of negative informationusing self-reflection tasks. Given that human self-processing occurring in ourdaily life is more likely to be captured by tasks involving incidentalself-processing (automatic associations between the self- and externalstimuli), rather than tasks involving intentional self-processing, it could bepresumed that the relationship between self- and negative emotion might be betterreflected during incidental self-processing. The present functional magneticresonance imaging study aimed to explore incidental self-processing of negativeinformation. To induce participants incidental self-processing,we adopted negative and neutral words written by themselves or others asmaterials. They were scanned during judging whether the handwritten words werenegative or neutral (additional non-self-task). Results revealed that incidentalself-processing of negative information relied on the activation of leftanterior insula, whereas medial prefrontal cortex activity was associated withincidental selfprocessing of neutral information.

Keywords Incidental self-processing, Self-handwriting, Negative emotion


5.Xiuyan Guo, LiZheng, Hongyi Wang, Lei Zhu*, Jianqi Li, Qianfeng Wang, Zoltan Dienes, ZhiliangYang. (2013). Exposure to Violence Reduces Empathetic Responses to Other’s Pain. Brainand Cognition, 82: 187-191. (SCI, IF=3.174)

ABSTRACT: Past researches showed that empathy for pain not only triggers aresonance mechanism between other and self, but also is modulated by contextualfactors. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, the present studydemonstrated that short-term media violence exposure reduced both pain ratingsand also the activation of anterior insula and anterior mid-cingulate cortex toothers pain. Thus, violence exposure modulated empathic responses to others pain basedon a physiological desensitization.


6.Zhu, L., Guo, X.*, Li, J., Zheng, L., Wang, Q.,Yang, Z. (2012). Hippocampal Activity Is Associated with Self-descriptiveness Effectin Memory, Whereas Self-reference Effect in Memory Depends on Medial PrefrontalActivity. Hippocampus, 22(7): 1540-1552.( SCI,  IF=5.176).

ABSTRACT: The self has long been regarded as a unique cognitive structure byvirtue of its superior mnemonic abilities. Two separate effects result fromthis self memory facilitation: self-reference effect and self-descriptivenesseffect in memory. Self-reference effect denotes that

information processed with reference to theself is better remembered than information processed with reference to others,whereas selfdescriptiveness effect indicates that items judged to beself-relevant is remembered better than items judged not to be relevant to selfduring self-reference task. Although there is a compelling connection between self-referenceeffect in memory and self mentalization processes indexed by the medialprefrontal activity, the underlying mechanisms of the selfdescriptiveness effectin memory have remained underspecified. In the present fMRI study, we used asubsequent memory paradigm to examine

the neural correlates of self-descriptivenessand self-reference effect in memory. Participants encoded personality traitswhile performing selfreference and other-reference task (judged thedescriptiveness of the traits to themselves or a famous person “Bruce Lee”),and then were

given a test of recognition memory outsidethe scanner. It is revealed that the hippocampal activity corresponded withself-descriptiveness effect in memory, but the activity of the medial prefrontalcortex and perirhinal cortex related to self-reference effect in memory. Thesefindings suggested that the memory boost for self-relevant items relies on theenhanced relational binding mechanisms employed during self-relevant items.

KEYWORDS: self-reference effect in memory; self-descriptivenesseffect in memory; hippocampus; medial prefrontal cortex


7.Fengying Li, Xiuyan Guo*, Lei Zhu, Zhiliang Yang,Zoltan Dienes. (2013). Implicit learning of mappings between forms andmetaphorical meanings. Consciousness and Cognition, 22, 174–183. (SSCI, IF = 2.027)

ABSTRACT: Previous research has shown that people can implicitly acquiremappings between word forms and literal meanings (Williams, 2004, 2005). Weargue, from the metaphor-representation and embodiment perspectives, thatpeople can unconsciously establish mappings between word forms and not onlyliteral but also metaphorical meanings. Using Williams(2005)paradigm, we found that transfer of form-meaning connections from a concretedomain (space) to an abstract domain (power) was achieved in ametaphor-consistent way without awareness. Our results support the view thatunconscious knowledge can be flexibly deployed in an abstract way notpreviously explored in the implicit learning literature.

