Call for papers 2017 Fudan-UC Center Young Scholars Conference

作者: 发布时间:2019-09-25 来源:复旦发展研究院+收藏本文


The Fudan-UC Center on Contemporary China, based at the UC San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy(GPS), is calling for paper submissions from young scholars—Ph.D students up to associate professors—throughoutuniversities and research institutions in China and North America. The conference will take place May 19-20, 2017 atthe UC San Diego campus. It will be co-organized by GPS’s 21st Century China Center. 

The Young Scholars Conference is an annual event that brings Chinese and American scholars together so they canexchange ideas and share research findings. The conference has become a dynamic forum for international and crossdisciplinaryparticipants to build new synergies and develop future collaborative projects. 

The conference theme “Social Sciences and China Studies” is broadly construed to include quantitative, data-drivenstudies and qualitative studies from all social science disciplines. For an example of the past year’s contributions,please refer to the agenda for the 2016 conference and a summary of the event

The center will cover the travel cost for the paper presenters and provide up to a three-night stay in a hotel for thosefrom outside of San Diego. In addition, the center will subsidize the travel cost (up to $200) for UC Ph.D. students whowish to participate but are not presenting papers.If you would like to present a paper at the conference, please send your submission by March 15, 2017 by followingthe instructions via this link. You will be notified by March 20, 2017 if your paper has been selected for presentation.

If you have any questions, please contact Samuel Tsoi, at or 858-246-1950.

About The Fudan-UC Center: 

The Fudan-UC Center on Contemporary China creates opportunities for cooperation between Fudan University and allUC campuses on research, policy and educational initiatives, including academic conferences and community events. Itis the first overseas research center established by a Chinese university at a North American university.Learn more at

About the 21st Century China Center:

The 21st Century China Center is a university-based think tank that produces original research to anchor major policydiscussions on China and U.S.-China relations. At the UC San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy, the centerhosts the largest cluster of social scientists in the U.S. working on contemporary China. It emphasizes scholarly andpolicy engagement with China and partnership with professional and business organizations. Learn more at

For PDF version: 复旦-加大中国研究中心Call-for-papers.pdf