近日,复旦大学复杂决策分析中心主任唐世平教授(通讯作者)与发展研究院创新转化中心主任高鸣在生物学期刊《Life》2025年第15卷第1期发表论文“The Origin(s) of LUCA: Computer Simulation of a New Theory”,用计算机模拟来模拟最终的万物共同/细胞祖先(LUCA,通俗而言即第一个细胞祖先)的诞生。《Life》是国际性的同行评审的开放获取期刊,专注于生命科学领域的基础与应用研究,其2023年影响因子为3.2。它在JCR里属于生物学领域的1区刊物,在CiteScore里属于古生物学的1区刊物。
基于卡尔·乌斯(Carl Woese)关于LUCA通过“全体创造”演化的假说,唐世平教授提出了LUCA起源的新理论,与合作者高鸣利用计算机模拟展示了囊泡融合、吸收和获取等循环过程如何推动了LUCA的演化。
Carl Woese’s thesis of cellular evolution emphasized that the last universal common/cellular ancestor (LUCA) must have evolved by drawing from “global inventions”. Yet, existing theories regarding the origin(s) of LUCA have mostly centered upon scenarios that LUCA had evolved mostly independently. In an earlier paper, we advanced a new theory regarding the origin(s) of LUCA that extends Woese’s original insights. Our theory centers upon the possibility that different vesicles and protocells can merge with and acquire each other as a form of variation, selection, and retention, driven by wet-and-dry cycles and other similar cyclical processes. In this paper, we use computer simulation to show that under a variety of simulated conditions, LUCA can indeed be produced by our proposed processes. We hope that our study can stimulate laboratory testing of some key hypotheses that vesicles’ absorption, acquisition, and merger has indeed been a central force in driving the evolution of LUCA.computer simulation; LUCA; Carl Woese; cellular evolution; global inventions