复旦发展研究院访问学者Adriana Lia Friszman入驻

作者:FDDI 发布时间:2025-02-17 来源:复旦发展研究院+收藏本文

访问学者 | 阿德里亚娜·莉娅·弗里茨曼

Scholar | Adriana Lia Friszman


阿德里亚娜·莉娅·弗里茨曼(Adriana Lia Friszman)博士拥有坎皮纳斯大学(UNICAMP)授予的硕士学位(1993年)和教育学博士学位(1997年),目前担任该校医学院人类发展与康复系副教授。过去几十年中,她的研究项目主要聚焦于不同群体,特别是残疾人士的健康和教育公共政策及实践。





Adriana Lia Friszman de Laplane holds a master’s degree (1993) and a doctorate in Education (1997) from the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), where she currently serves as an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Medical Sciences, Department of Human Development and Rehabilitation. Her research program, developed over the past several decades, focuses on health and educational public policies and practices related to the inclusion of various groups, particularly individuals with disabilities. The studies she leads are based on the idea that social practices are closely linked to policies. As such, she emphasizes the importance of understanding the history and principles behind both policies and practices to generate knowledge and analysis that can inform the improvement of existing policies, the creation of new ones, and the implementation of innovative practices. Her research spans various aspects of inclusion, including at different levels of the education system in Brazil, inclusion through employment policies, health services, and intersectoral policies. Furthermore, her research group is engaged in examining international trends in public policies regarding Assistive Technology, service delivery systems, and national plans, as well as exploring the role of universities in generating knowledge, shaping policies, and implementing practices.

Adriana Lia Friszman will be a visiting researcher at FDDI from February 10th 2025 to April 30th 2025.

Email: adrifri@unicamp.br